Kolumbastraße 4
D-50667 Köln
tel +49 (0)221 9331930
fax +49 (0)221 93319333
10 October 2012, 6 p.m. (Admission € 10)
E-MEX-Ensemble Musikalische Mystik (Musical Mysticism) The e-mex ensemble was founded in 1999 by six musicians from the Ruhr region and Cologne and has quickly achieved an excellent reputation. The idea of this ensemble is to perform contemporary works in close cooperation with composers, particularly those of the younger generation. In designing the program of this evening, the focus will be on mysticism as a pendant to rationality. The e-mex ensemble is introducing four entirely different musical projects to counter the prosaic dullness of what we refer to as reality: The work "Paramirabo" written by Canadian composer Claude Vivier reflects his search for the non-concrete, for the enigmatic and the transcendental. Maria de Alvear, who now calls Cologne her home, has long mistrusted the rationality of the present and, with her recent work "Im Kern" (At the Core), she tracks the truth that rather lies behind the facade and under the surface. If we delve into the musical worlds of Sicilian composer Salvatore Sciarrino, we leave this world for the next: "Infinito nero" is based on texts from the 17th century by Italian nun Maria Maddalen de'Pazzi, in which she reports about her visions and mystic experiences. As the central figure of Christian mysticism, Hildegard of Bingen may not be left out, of course. Several of her songs will be performed in a version for soprano and the ensemble. With the evening's five composers, the e-mex ensemble is venturing into four different ways of accessing the transcendental. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) O virtus Sapientae (Antiphony) Maria de Alvear (*1960) Im Kern (At the Core, 2010) for violin, violoncello, and piano Hildegard of Bingen O viridissima virga (De Sancta Maria) Claude Vivier (1948-1983) Paramirabo (1975) for flute, violin, violoncello, and piano Hildegard of Bingen Et ideo puelle iste (Antiphony) - Intermission - Salvatore Sciarrino (*1947) Infinito nero. Estasi in un atto (1997-98) for soprano, flute, oboe, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, and violoncello Irene Kurka, Soprano; Christoph Maria Wagner, Conductor; e-mex ensemble: Evelin Degen, Flute; Anja Schmiel, Oboe; Joachim Striepens, Clarinet; Christine Rox, Violin; Konrad von Coelln, Viola; Burkart Zeller, Violoncello; Martin von der Heydt, Piano ; Michael Pattmann, Percussion | Art museum of the
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