KOLUMBA :: Events :: 10/13 4th Albert-Discussion
14 October 2013, 7 p.m.
Education through Science? The University
4th Albert-Discussion
These days, science and research have become an indispensible factor in our modern world and universities are now a worldwide establishment. But how is the role the university plays to be defined in the modern landscape of science and research? Does the medieval founding idea based on acquiring knowledge and education through science still stand at the center, or is its task exhausted in education and research for specific purposes?
Participants: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Annette Schavan (Member of German Parliament, Professor for Catholic Theology at the FU Berlin, former Federal Minister for Education and Research); Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Ludger Honnefelder (Professor emeritus for Philosophy at the University of Bonn, former Director of the Albertus-Magnus-Institute); Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Andreas Speer (Professor for Philosophy at the University of Cologne, Director of the Thomas-Institute); Prof. Dr. Peter Strohschneider (Professor of Linguistics and Literature at the University of Munich, President of the German Research Foundation)
Moderation: Dr. Michael Köhler.
This series of Albert-Discussions is supported by the Friends of the Albertus-Magnus-Foundation, registered Society, organized in conjunction with Kolumba, and recorded by West German Rundfunk Radio.