Kolumbastraße 4
D-50667 Köln
tel +49 (0)221 9331930
fax +49 (0)221 93319333

13 June 2010, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Concert: Steffen Krebber »Mockups of Nothing«
New Talents Biennale Cologne 2010

Within the framework of the Biennale »New Talents«, Kolumba is the performance site of a work commissioned by the City of Cologne from the Cologne composer Steffen Krebber, who could already be heard in our program on the »Ash Wednesday for the Artists« this year. Performing will be Andrea Kiefer, accordion, and Sabine Akiko Ahrendt, violin. Steffen Krebber was born in Stuttgart in 1976 and studied composition with Marco Stroppa and Caspar Johannes Walter at the Academy of Music in Stuttgart, as well as with Rebecca Saunders at the Academy of Music in Cologne. He has received a Scholarship of the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg in 2009, Commissions for Compositions by the Thürmchen Ensemble, the ensemble)h(iatus with the support of the Art Foundation North Rhine Westphalia and the German Music Council; lives in Cologne. (www.steffenkrebber.de) We thank »New Talents« for their collaboration. The regular museum entrance fee serves as admission.

Art museum of the
Archdiocese of Cologne

Current events
Audio Tracks

02/24 Peace upon you, Jerusalem
1-8/24 Required Reading
11/23 Sound Workshop
11/23 For All Souls 5
10/23 A different view of art
08/23 A Ukrainian Kolumba
06/23 Un Film Dramatique
01/23 The Reading Room
11/12 Sound Workshop
11/22 For All Souls 4
07/22 Lecture by Linda Wiesner
05/22 Vortrag Rolf Lauer
08/21 New Ocean Sea Cycle
02/21 Tonspur_Achim Lengerer
11/18 Circumstance
12/17 Renate König Donation

08/17 Ten Years Kolumba
04/17 Artist Talk
01/17 Series of Concerts
11/16 10th Soundworkshop
06/16 Eric Hattan & Julian Sartorius
06/15 FORSETI feat. subsTANZ
06/15 Cologne Opera
03/15 Animated Cartoon Workshop
11/14 Soundtrack (Achim Lengerer)
11/14 Edith Stein Conference
11/14 Sound Workshop
10/14 Philosophical Discussion
10/14 Albert-Talk
10/14 Seminar on Philosophy
06/14 Visiting Schools III
02/14 Barlach-Haus
11/13 Dance performance
11/13 Sound Workshop
10/13 E-MEX-Ensemble
10/13 4th Albert-Discussion
05/13 Performances
03/13 Horatiu Radulescu
11/12 Sound Workshop
10/12 E-MEX-Ensemble
09/12 Girls' Choir
08/12 Cage: Empty Words
08/12 Hosting Schools II
08/12 Many thanks to all of the...
07/12 Table Talks
06/12 Table Concert
06/12 The chamber of meditation
05/12 episteme
05/12 new talents
04/12 Cage: A Collection of Rocks
03/12 Cage: Number Pieces
03/12 Hans Otte
11/11 Sound Workshop
09/11 Imploding Desk
07/11 Finissage
07/11 Schulen zu Gast I
11/10 Sound Workshop
11/10 Joseph Marioni
06/10 Steffen Krebber
05/10 Holy-Spirit Retable
02/10 Bernhard Leitner
02/10 Ash Wednesday
11/09 Sound Workshop
11/08 Workshop
10/08 Donaueschingen Festival
06/08 Kolumba is singing!
04/07 Art Cologne
08/05 1st view!
12/04 The Pietà from St. Kolumba
11/03 Schauspielhaus Köln

KOLUMBA :: Events :: 06/10 Steffen Krebber

13 June 2010, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Concert: Steffen Krebber »Mockups of Nothing«
New Talents Biennale Cologne 2010

Within the framework of the Biennale »New Talents«, Kolumba is the performance site of a work commissioned by the City of Cologne from the Cologne composer Steffen Krebber, who could already be heard in our program on the »Ash Wednesday for the Artists« this year. Performing will be Andrea Kiefer, accordion, and Sabine Akiko Ahrendt, violin. Steffen Krebber was born in Stuttgart in 1976 and studied composition with Marco Stroppa and Caspar Johannes Walter at the Academy of Music in Stuttgart, as well as with Rebecca Saunders at the Academy of Music in Cologne. He has received a Scholarship of the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg in 2009, Commissions for Compositions by the Thürmchen Ensemble, the ensemble)h(iatus with the support of the Art Foundation North Rhine Westphalia and the German Music Council; lives in Cologne. (www.steffenkrebber.de) We thank »New Talents« for their collaboration. The regular museum entrance fee serves as admission.